Installing OpenWRT on x86_64

OpenWRT has to be directly installed to a drive from another computer. At least that's what I did. Download the x86 version OpenWRT. Unzip the image:

gunzip openwrt_2352.img.gz

I formatted the disk to exFAT, and then:

dd if=openwrt_2352.img bs=1M of=/dev/sdX

Remember to check lsblk to see which drive to write.

Then install the drive to the other computer. Boot it up and make sure it boots in UEFI, and secure boot is off. It should just boot into OpenWRT now.

You need to download any x86_64 image. I'm using virt-manager as frontend. Make sure when starting the VM to select “Import existing disk image”.

When starting the VM, you need to change the ip address. Note down the subnet of the host's interface that QEMU is using (probably something like virbr0)

In this example, I assume that the WAN interface on the VM is br-lan and that the host's subnet is

ifconfig # confirm the interface name
ifconfig br-lan
ifconfig br-lan

You can now access the OpenWRT web interface on that IP.

First setup

When setting up the first time, we need to configure the physicals ports of the router. Boot into the router. We need keyboard and screen since we probably still can't SSH into the machine.

vi /etc/config/network

Change the ‘lan’ interface and ‘wan’ interface to use the correct physical ports, save the config, and then restart the network service:

service restart network

Check if your connection is working by pinging.

Releasing/Renewing IPs from DHCP

Make sure when setting up the DHCP server to lower the lease time to 1 or 2 minutes.

Usually, releasing and renewing IPs happens on clients:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
dhcpclient -r <interface>

On mac, go to System Settings > Network > LAN Device > Details… > TCP/IP > Renew DHCP Lease. Wifi/Ethernet Drivers

One can always check the chip on the ethernet / wifi card to find the manufacturer. For smaller, embedded systems it's best not to install many drivers as they take space. On x86 or ARM systems with a lot of resources (>2GB storage, >2GB memory, >2 cores) it doesn't matter.

opkg install kmod-iwlwifi
opkg install iwlwifi-firmware
opkg install wpad
opkg install kmod-rtl8xxxu


Using a custom DNS for a WAN interface:

Network > Interfaces > wan interface > Edit > Advance Settings > Custom DNS

DNS Forwarding:

Network > DHCP and DNS > Forwards > DNS Forwarding

Configure firewall to intercept DNS traffic.

Navigate to LuCI → Network → Firewall → Port Forwards.

Click Add and specify:

  Name: Intercept-DNS
  Restrict to address family: IPv4 and IPv6
  Protocol: TCP, UDP
  Source zone: lan
  External port: 53
  Destination zone: unspecified
  Internal IP address: any
  Internal port: any

Click Save, then Save & Apply.

More info

DoT: DNS over TLS


802.1q or dot1q is a standard in networking, specifically defining VLANs. It is used to segregate a local network. A switch (that supports dot1q) can split frames into two or more VLANs.

Openwrt can either directly split up a network if it has enough physical ports, or through a trunk port. A trunk port (or tagged port) is one physical port that can manage traffic on several VLANs. For example, a router has only one physical LAN port, and the network devices are connected to managed switch that supports 802.1q VLAN. Splitting the network happens inside the switch, and the openwrt just manages and forwards the traffic accordingly.

A new device needs to be created under Network>Interfaces with the device type ‘802.1q VLAN’ and the correct VLAN tag. Then, a new interface needs to be created as well in a separate network with the correct firewall settings.