====== Installing/Updating ======
Rip the .iso and boot. Make sure all the settings in BIOS force UEFI boot (hardware needs to be compatible as well). You might need a hardwired internet connection. Run:
pacman -S archinstall
And then run archinstall. This is the closest you will get to a guided OS installation with Arch.
Alternatively you can manually install with the official installation guide.
To update:
pacman -Syu
You can also check if you need to restart with:
====== General Arch (and linux) ======
===== Packages to get started (check arch-wiki too) =====
* cronie / fcron: Cron jobs, for automating stuff or running scripts every given time. To add/edit/remove jobs:
* crontabs -e
* micro: Basically the easiest text editor to use with a mouse. All commands are the same as in the OS. EG, ctrl + c is copy, ctrl + v is paste, ctrl + s is save, ctrl + q is quit, etc.
* nano: another simple text editor.
* docker: Container driver. Used in conjunction the orchestration tool, docker-compose. Docker Documentation.
* git: GIT cli client
* gnome: Desktop Environment. Also check gnome-extras, gnome-shell-extensions.
* nftables: Firewall rules. Good idea to replace iptables as they are slowly getting deprecated.
* vnstat: Network traffic monitor
* wireshark-cli: Packet sniffer. Use with termshark.
* lf: ‘list-files' … basically ranger.
===== Default console text editor =====
edit .bashsrc and .bash_profile
export EDITOR = [text_editor] #---this goes to bashrc
export VISUAL = [text_editor] #---this goes to bash_profile
If using different shell usually it’s the same files to the corresponding shell, eg, for zsh it’s .zshrc and .zprofile
===== Change Default Shell =====
List all available shells:
chsh -l
chsh -s /path/to/shell
===== ZSH =====
Zsh is the superior shell, so use this instead of bash. All plugins and customizations for zsh happen in the .zshrc file in your home directory.
==== To highlight folders: ====
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
==== For shell suggestions ====
Install ''zsh-autosuggestions'' and source to the ''.zshrc'' file.
==== For syntax highlighting ====
Install ''zsh-syntax-highlighting'' and source to the ''.zshrc'' file.
==== For amazing cat ====
Install bat and then replace cat with alias in the ''.zshrc'' file:
alias cat=batcat
In some distros it's simply bat, in some other distros it might be batcat.
To change the default prompt look
add the following to .zshrc:
PROMPT="%F{red}%n%f %~ > "
You can customize the prompt to your liking. Here is one resource.
===== Disabling system suspend =====
When using a device as e.g a server, suspending might not be needed or it could even be undesired. To configure system sleep states:
nano /etc/systemd/sleep.conf.d/disable-suspend.conf
And change the following:
===== VMs =====
First you need the QEMU server, which is the backend for the VMs, the libvirt manager, and optionally the cockpit web interface.
pacman -S qemu-full libvirt virt-manager cockpit cockpit-machines
You need to also enable/start libvirtd.
For cockpit you might need dnsmasq for DCHP for the VMs
pacman -S dnsmasqEnable/Start dnsmasq
For simpler VM frontend you can use Gnome Boxes which is included with the gnome-extra package.
pacman -S gnome-extra
Software for TPM emulator. Needed for Windows 11.
pacman -S swtpm
For Windows 11 ====
Download Win11 iso.
Open gnome boxes.
Start a new VM from local files.
Edit memory to at least 4GB.
Edit storage to at least 100GB.
Edit configuration file to enable TPM. Under add:
Save and start the VM.
In windows 11 installation, to skip internet, hit Shift + F10 to bring up the console and type OOBE\BYPASSNRO and restart. Remember to disconnect the host from the internet so no internet passes through to the guest OS.
===== GUI / CLI Boot =====
You can swap between using a desktop environment or just CLI. To force CLI:
systemctl set-default multi-user.target
To force Desktop Environment:
systemctl set-default graphical.target
===== Generate Keys =====
You can use the openssl command to generate key together with rand. Optionally, you can pass as flags the format you want and the number of digits.
For base64 and 60 digits key:
openssl rand -base64 60
For hexadecimal and 32 digits key:
openssl rand -hex 32
===== Faillock =====
After 3 attempts of sudo the accounts is locked. Check first the failed attempts with faillock and make sure it's actually you. Then you can reset the account fails with:
faillock --user --reset
===== Archiving and Compression =====
Archivers are used to put multiple files into a single file. Compressors are used to reduce the size of a file. These two tools are used together usually when packaging applications or backing up. One combo is tar + gzip. Tar creates and extracts files from archives. Gzip compresses and decompresses the archive files.
Tar flags:
-c Create a new archive. We use this flag whenever we need to create a new archive.
-z Use gzip compression. When we specify this flag, it means that archive will be created using gzip compression.
-v Provide verbose output. Providing the -v flag shows details of the files compressed.
-f Archive file name. Archive file names are mapped using the -f flag.
-x Extract from a compressed file. We use this flag when files need to be extracted from an archive.
Creating an archive and compressing it:
tar -czf example_archive.tar.gz /path/to/files
Extracting an archive (remember the -z flag if it's compressed):
tar -xzf example_archive.tar.gz
One can use the -C to specific location of extraction:
tar -xzf example_archive.tar.gz -C /path/to/extraction
===== Password Store =====
pass is a unix password manager. It stores the passwords in a gpg file and uses git to sync.
You need to generate a gpg key to initialize pass:
pass init
You can then initialize git for pass store:
pass git init
You can use normal git commands to view history, push, pull and sync your passwords across devices.
To add an existing password:
pass insert github
Where github is any password you want to add. pass is using normal files to save your passwords so you can nest them in folders.
pass insert websites/github
You can see all the stored passwords by running pass.
To generate a new password:
pass generate github
To show a password:
pass show websites/github
If you want to add a url, an email, or any data to a password, you can add it as metadata on the password file:
pass edit websites/github
email: hello@world.com
URL: https://eelslap.com/
===== Cryptography =====
Generating a new gpg key:
gpg --gen-key
You can check the public id of your key by:
gpg -K
By default, gpg keys expire, but you change that by editing your key. Copy the id of your key and run:
gpg --edit-key
and then, in the gpg prompt run: expire
====== Networking ======
===== SSH Keys =====
Make sure you have openssh. Usually comes with most Linux distributions.
To use keys instead of passwords, you need first to generate the key pair on the machine that will connect to the server:
Then you need to copy the public key to the server, and add the private key to the machine identity list:
ssh-copy-id -i @
(ARCH-SPECIFIC) And finally on the server, you need to enable publickey authentication and disable password to avoid brute force attacks.
micro /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/10-force_publickey.conf
PasswordAuthentication no
AuthenticationMethods publickey
Restart the sshd daemon on the server and it should work.
===== SSH Tunneling =====
SSH Tunnels are used to exposed ports to and from connected systems.
Forward Tunnels (or local port forwarding)are used to connect to a host and expose their ports that would othewise wouldn't be accessible creating access to webservers or services that are still not public. Forward tunnels are created with the -L flag. In this example, local will be the client and remote will be the server:
ssh -L local:localport:remote:remoteport user@serverip_or_domain_name
* * *
ssh -L localhost:888: admin@
Reverse tunnels (or remote port forwarding) let you access a computer inside a private network. To do this, you usually need three systems:
- S1: The computer inside the private network (the one you want to access).
- S2: A public system that both you and S1 can connect to.
- S3: Your computer, trying to access S1.
S1 connects to S2 using SSH with the -R flag, creating a reverse tunnel. This forwards a port (like port 2222) on S2 back to S1’s port 22 (SSH). Now, S3 can connect to S2 on port 2222, which forwards the connection back to S1, letting you access it as if you were inside its network.
This setup helps you bypass S1’s firewall.
ssh -R S2:S2port:S1:S1port S2user@S2
ssh -p S2port S1user@S2
===== SSH File Transfer =====
This should work with MacOS and any Linux distro: